Have you experienced trauma? Are you a victim of crime? Have you been physically or mentally hurt? Has an accident / incident kept you stuck?

Trauma can happen to any one of us.

What is Trauma?

Trauma can (and does) happen to anyone of us at any time.

There are two types of trauma – physical and mental.

Physical trauma includes the body’s response to serious injury and threat.

Mental trauma includes frightening thoughts and painful feelings. They are the mind’s response to serious injury. Mental trauma can produce strong feelings. It can also produce extreme behavior; such as intense fear or helplessness, withdrawal or detachment, lack of concentration, irritability, sleep disturbance, aggression, hyper vigilance (intensely watching for more distressing events), or flashbacks (sense that event is reoccurring).

Whilst psychological trauma injury has been recognised as occurring after a single traumatic experience such as being a victim of an accident / assault / crime it is also known that it can result form an accumulation of stressful / threatening events such as;

  • Repeated exposure to scenes at accidents, scenes of crime, fire, combat / confrontation etc as experiences by people in the emergency services, military and many other occupations.
  • Repeated violations such as verbal, emotional, physical and sexual threats / abuse and
  • Repeated threat due to bullying, harassment, stalking and intimidation which can all be experienced in domestic, workplace and social settings.

What can cause trauma?

  • Road Traffic Accident
  • Accident at work
  • Workplace and domestic bullying
  • Physical & Verbal Assaults
  • Fire, Plane, Rail Crash
  • Sexual Abuse, Rape & Violence
  • Serious illness / Health issues
  • Witnessing Death / Violence
  • Combat and Terrorism Experience

The effects of psychological trauma can be overwhelming and have long lasting consequences, disrupting and disabling people’s lives. It can limit their ability to work, maintain relationships and stay healthy.

Symptoms of trauma can occur very soon after the incident / event or much later on, not only affecting the victim, but also, family, friends and work colleagues.

GP’s, family, friends and helping agencies often miss, or do not know what the symptoms of trauma are to look out for.

So, what are some of the signs to look for?

As we have already highlighted, a traumatic situation can affect different people in different ways. There are a wide range of symptoms associated with trauma sufferers, which is one of the main reasons why it is often misdiagnosed.

For the sufferer, the sooner these symptoms are identified and treatment sought, the quicker they are likely to improve, both personally and professionally.

  • Disturbed Sleep
  • Nightmares
  • Hyper Vigilance
  • Emotional numbing
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Flashbacks / Hallucinations
  • Emotional / Social withdrawal
  • Sense of future foreboding

People who suffer Trauma Injury Often also develop the following;

  • Phobias / Panic Attacks
  • Depression
  • Increased Alcohol / Drug / Smoking
  • Feeling of isolation
  • Absenteeism from work
  • Feelings of suicide / Inability to cope

The good news is that trauma injury and PTSD can be cured given the right treatment.

The approaches and skills used by Psyche Investment are clinically effective in reducing symptology and releasing people from the effects of Trauma.

EMDR is recognised by NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) as a preferred treatment approach and Fast Phobia Cure techniques (also known as VKD – visual kinaesthetic dissociation) is recognised as effectively as reducing symptoms of anxiety / panic attacks / phobias and PTSD.

Medication and counselling while helping to alleviate some of the depression will not cure psychological trauma injury. Untreated it can last a life time and often in an attempt to cope with the frightening / overwhelming symptoms sufferers experience, they frequently abuse alcohol and drugs. This then leads to additional problems associated with addictions in their attempt to escape the nightmare of living with trauma.

We as individuals can be aware of signs / symptoms and take back control by contacting Psyche Investment, enabling you to reclaim your life.

Business has a legal requirement (please see your Legal requirements in the business section) for the welfare of staff. For further information or to discuss your needs please contact us now.