Do you want to improve your confidence? Increase your self esteem?
Are you too shy, self conscious and want to feel more confident?

Confidence and Self Esteem

What is it?

Self confidence is a natural and basic resource, because of this, a lack of self confidence is often one of the reasons for lots of other problems and difficulties and these can impact on your life greatly.

Self esteem is a concept of personality, for it to grow, we need to have self worth, and this self worth will be sought from embracing challenges that result in the showing of success.

Fear, or lack of confidence, is all about uncertainty, and once you have done something enough for the uncertainty to mostly disappear, the fear disappears too.

BUT what if you are so fearful / anxious or uncertain that you can’t even begin to face up to the task in hand?

What if you are so shy that it stops you within social settings / going for interviews etc etc?

Or what if your perceived fear just will not go away?

Let Psyche Investment help!

The approaches used by Psyche Investment will desensitise you to the situation by using the approaches of EMDR, and Analytical Hypnotherapy and enable you to reach your goal much more naturally and comfortably.

Firstly we will discuss how your lack of confidence affects you and in what situations – please be assured that you are not alone in lacking confidence but that by recognising this and being able to overcome it you then enable your life to be less restrictive and much more fulfilling!

We will also discuss how you expect to feel when you are more self confident.

What situations do you see yourself now joining in, are there things you can see yourself doing once you are more confident?

You will be encouraged to future plan and see these differences clearly and to plan what changes you will enjoy in your life.

During the session we will use approaches such as EMDR and Analytical Hypnotherapy to desensitize you to situations that previously were stumbling blocks for you.

We will use visual techniques and methods of rehearsal in order to retrain your brain and enable you to feel differently. When we rehearse events, situations, scenarios under hypnosis the effects are much more enhanced than when using our conscious mind.

The use of both EMDR and Hypnotherapy by Psyche Investment very effectively create new more confident blueprints which result in less emotional upset and increased confidence.

To increase your self confidence and get on with living your life to its fullest then please: